Welcome back, colleagues, followers, friends, and awesome readers!
Thank you for being here with me and my guest today. 😊
Nora is here with me and she’s sipping her caffe latte – How are you, Nora? – and she is ready to keep on answering my questions on tv, music, cinema, and something more personal about her.
In case you missed the first part of the interview with this strong, yet lovely woman, you can find it here.
Let’s start. Are you ready? ☕ Yes? Go.
• Favourite genre of music? Name your favourite singer or band
▷ Again, I have no simple answer to this. The kind of music I like has been changing all over my life, but one thing that never changes is that I need music around me. My musical tastes have always been quite eclectic; right now, my favorites are Passenger, Death Cab for Cutie, Coldplay, Santana+Rob Thomas, Bebo Valdéz+Diego El Cigala, Fito Páez, Andrés Calamaro, Vicentico. And the list goes on and on…
• Can you share a song that is important for you?
▷ Death Cab for Cutie’s I Will Follow You Into The Dark.
• Favourite tv series – if you have one
▷ Vikings.
• Favourite film – if you have one
▷ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
• Favourite actor and actress
▷ Robert De Niro and Jessica Lange.
• Have you got anyone inspiring you? If yes, who is your role model?
▷ I do— María Moliner. For those who have never heard of her, she was born in 1900 and was one of the first female university graduates in Spain pursuing a profession. She set up several rural libraries to disseminate culture and literacy. After the Spanish Civil War, María, mother of four children, found the time to nurture her passion for words— Around 1950, she began writing the comprehensive ‘Diccionario de uso del español’ (Dictionary of Spanish Usage), which she completed in 1966. Her dictionary contains thorough definitions, synonyms, expressions, and families of words, and is much more detailed than the Royal Spanish Academy’s Dictionary of the Spanish Language. In 1974, María showed the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease and eventually died in January, 1981 in her home in Madrid. Oddly enough, a woman who had so much loved words ended up forgetting them all.
• Describe yourself in 3 words
▷ Hard-working. Passionate. Caring.
• If you could leave right now, where would you like to travel?
▷ New York city.
• Write something about yourself you are truly proud of
▷ If there’s something I’m truly proud of, it is my two children: Santiago, 18, and Fernando, 16. [ **Sooo sweet! 😍 Hi, guys!** ]
• Give an advice to your younger self
▷ Worry less, have more fun!
What an amazing ride, Nora! I want to thank you for your kindness and your positivity. You are a truly inspiring woman, and I am glad you accepted my invitation. As I’ve been telling you over the last two days on social media, you provided an engaging window on your world and you are a model for us. Thank you! Please, come back anytime, it would be a pleasure to have you as my guest again, and I look forward to taking a coffee with you in real life. 💜
If you enjoyed the second part of the interview, share it on social media using the hashtag #guesswhonesec and leave a comment.
Want to take part in the series? Just drop me a line and I will invite you to join me for a coffee.
Who’s the next guest to be on the “Guess who comes” series?
Let’s find out next Tuesday.
Who’s Nora? ▷ Nora is an English-Spanish translator, expert back-translator, localizer, proofreader, quality manager, and linguistic validation consultant. She holds a B.A. in Translation with a Major in Law from the University of Buenos Aires, and has been in the translation industry for over 30 years now. Initially an in-house translator for the largest publicly-held bank in Argentina and a classroom-based and distance-education Teacher of English for International Trade, she became a freelance translator in 1992. Nora was Vice-President of FairTradeNet, a Geneva-based association of freelance translators and, as such, was part of the delegation representing FTN at the World Summit on the Information Society in December 2003. She became a certified life-sciences linguist in 2007 and is currently co-owner of Translartisan, a translation studio specializing in biomedical translation. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or contact her through her website [translartisan.com].